josemi/ icons
Download the icon as SVG image to use or edit it.
Download Icon
Customize icon
Set your custom size or color and download the icon as SVG or PNG image.

Embed this icon within HTML

Copy and paste the following SVG code into your HTML file where you want the icon to appear. Then, you can customize the SVG attributes, such as size or color, using inline styling or CSS classes.

<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="1em" height="1em">
    <path fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2" d="M3 12L19 12M19 12C20.1046 12 21 12.8954 21 14C21 15.1046 20.1046 16 19 16C18.2585 16 17.6112 15.5964 17.2658 14.9969M3 16L12 16M12 16C13.1046 16 14 16.8954 14 18C14 19.1046 13.1046 20 12 20C11.2585 20 10.6112 19.5964 10.2658 18.9969M3 8L16 8M16 8C17.1046 8 18 7.10457 18 6C18 4.89543 17.1046 4 16 4C15.2585 4 14.6112 4.40358 14.2658 5.00307" />

Using as a React Component

You can integrate this icon in your React application using our React icons components. First install the package using YARN or NPM:

$ yarn add @josemi-icons/react

Now you can import this icon in your React application

import {WindIcon} from "@josemi-icons/react";

Alternatively, if you only need this icon jou can just copy and paste the following component into your React application:

const WindIcon = () => (
    <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="1em" height="1em">
        <path fill="none" stroke="currentColor" strokeLinecap="round" strokeLinejoin="round" strokeWidth="2" d="M3 12L19 12M19 12C20.1046 12 21 12.8954 21 14C21 15.1046 20.1046 16 19 16C18.2585 16 17.6112 15.5964 17.2658 14.9969M3 16L12 16M12 16C13.1046 16 14 16.8954 14 18C14 19.1046 13.1046 20 12 20C11.2585 20 10.6112 19.5964 10.2658 18.9969M3 8L16 8M16 8C17.1046 8 18 7.10457 18 6C18 4.89543 17.1046 4 16 4C15.2585 4 14.6112 4.40358 14.2658 5.00307" />

You can now use the icon component in your React application like any other React component.